First off, thanks to Hifiman for choosing me to be part of the review tour. Thanks also to mukulymn for loaning me his RE262 for an extended time.
But, the IEM couldn't have chosen a busier week to arrive. I could not spend as much time as I wanted with the review sample. I am not as half as gifted as many when it comes to writing descriptions and using appropriate terms. Usually, when I choose to write the occasional review, I go through different modes of comparison and periods of staying away from IEMs so that I can purge all that fragile memory and take a fresh perspective on the IEM (and ones in comparison). Since I did not have that luxury in a compressed time frame, I had to squeeze in as much comparison as I could and be satisfied with an 'on the surface' impression. But, that doesn't stop me from making this opinion piece lengthy. So, please remain patient while I take you on a long subjective, opinionated blabber.